Payout Structure

View LOL Fantasy's official payout structure.

We pay out eligible participants who achieve a top 3 score in any official league with a cash prize. In the case of a tie causing the top 3 scores to be shared by 4 or more participants, all participants achieving a top 3 score receives a prize.

Payouts are truncated to the nearest full dollar.

Payouts are generally 60/30/10 but can get more complicated in the case of a tie.

The full formula is as follows:

  • 1st place: Pot * 60 / ( #1st*60 + #2nd*30 + #3rd*10 )
  • 2nd place: Pot * 30 / ( #1st*60 + #2nd*30 + #3rd*10 )
  • 3rd place: Pot * 10 / ( #1st*60 + #2nd*30 + #3rd*10 )

If a league has a $100 pot, and there is a tie for 1st:

  • 1st place: $40
  • 1st place: $40
  • 2nd place: $20

If a league has a $100 pot, and there is a tie for 3rd:

  • 1st place: $54
  • 2nd place: $27
  • 3rd place: $9
  • 3rd place: $9